Friday, October 2, 2015

Game Over

Last session also marked the end of this campaign, at least for the time being. I hope you enjoyed reading about our adventures... :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Party XP

Last Update: Session 3

Current party XP = 1,235 xp -> level 3

Next Level = 2,000 xp

Session 3 (500 xp)

Well, what is there really to be said? The Muties went deeper into the fortress, fighting robots and crazy bunny-people (hoops, really...).

Then they arrived in the control room of this bat-shit factory, and they had to fight against this silly hoop with a silly hemet calling himself the Iron King!

He didn't laugh anymore after the muties melted him with some weird radioactive mutation... but our Muties did laugh, because they levelled up again!


Mythic / Nightmare


Arachnoid / Cryokinetic